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Past Dedications 1999


The lights of our lives, still shinning to brighten our world.

Due to the background, cases that should be green are listed in white.

Cases without stories printed are past dedications with information that was lost.  The ones with stories are part of the long overdue, October 10th, 2003 update to the webpage.  All cases are color coded according to crime and the code is on the about page.

Dec. 25 - 31, 1999:  To Prayers for peace and all the families of the loved ones dedicated on this page.  Thanks for your support and suggestions.

Dec. 18 - 24, 1999: The "Tent Girl", Ms. Barbara Hackman-Taylor.

Dec. 11 -17, 1999: Kait Arquette

Dec. 4 - 10, 1999: Sherrice Iverson

Nov. 27 - Dec. 3, 1999:  Tommy Burkett

Nov. 20 - 26, 1999:  Police Officers fallen in the line of Duty.

Nov. 13 - 19, 1999:  J.D. Daniels

Nov. 6 - 12, 1999:  Lisa Marie Burosh

Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 1999:  Sheldon Sullivan

Oct. 23 - 29, 1999:  Dedicated to a family where a Union decided to protest non union work at the funeral home and all the way to the deceased's grave site.  Unbelievably rude, wrong, immoral!

Oct. 16 - 22, 1999:  Matthew Shepard

Oct. 9 - 15, 1999:  Victims of Mall Scams = theft or death?!?

Oct. 2 - 8, 1999:  Shyanne

Sept. 25 - Oct. 1, 1999:  Ben Koopman

Sept. 18 - 24, 1999:  Victims of Interstate 94 Murders

Sept. 11 - 17, 1999:   Todd Jowers

Sept. 4 - 10, 1999:  Little Jane Doe

Aug. 28 - Sept. 3, 1999:  Larry Coy, Jr.

Aug. 21 - 27, 1999:  Andrea

Aug. 14 - 20, 1999:  David

Aug. 7 - 13, 1999:  Victims of Mark Burton

July 31 - Aug. 6, 1999:  Possible Hate Crimes. * In the picture gallery this is represented by a fire truck gif.  Disclaimer:  The owner of this website has not seen nor heard any legal decision concerning this case.  The owner is proclaiming neither innocence nor guilt of the parties mentioned on the linked page.  The opinions expressed on the linked page are solely Mr. Jop's.

July 24 - 20, 1999:  Betty Siddons

July 17 - 23, 1999:  Shane Brees

July 10 - 16, 1999:  Desiree'

July 3 - 9, 1999:  Tommy Maki

June 26 - July 2, 1999:  Karen Keeton

June 19 - 25, 1999:   Patrick Sean Kelly

June 12 - 18, 1999:  Victims of Hate Crimes

June 5 - 11, 1999:   America's Unknown Child

May 29 - June 4, 1999:  Laura Gossman

May 22 - 28, 1999:   Women of Afghanistan

May 15 - 21, 1999:  Victims of Child Pornography

May 8 - 14, 1999:  Shane Hebert

May 1 - 7, 1999: Victims of Kosovo and Littleton, Colorado