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The Peace List

A listing of people meditating for peace.


We, those listed below, promise no matter how we pray or think, or whom we do or do not pray to, to dedicate our prayers, meditations, and thoughts to achieving a world full of peace.

      If you would like to join the list, please, send your name to courtbard@hotmail.com with the subject line of "Peace List."  Thank you and may you be in P.E.A.C.E.


Jonathan Thorn - 5/8/99             Marcus Bednar - 5/16/99

Tymm Earl - 5/16/99                  Nick Conklin - 5/16/99

Schuyler Sera - 5/16/99             Barrett Dvorsky - 5/17/99

Ewa Bakoswky - 5/22/99          Janet Pace - 5/22/99

Pamela Tish - 5/28/99                Wain Davis - 5/31/99

B.J. Quinlan - 6/29/99                Rosemarie Maki - 7/4/99

Bustin Baker - 7/4/99                 Ann Williamson - 7/4/99

Judy Klohr - 7/20/99                  David Klohr - 7/20/99

Barb Enders - 7/27/99               Rich Budzinski - 7/28/99

Kelly Coy - 8/7/99                     John Wheatley - 1/17/00

Roy Sailor - 1/17/00                  Greg Klein - 7/18/00

Wendy Hendrickson 10/18/03